Three people were hurt in a 12-car pile up on a fog-bound motorway yesterday. 昨天在大雾弥漫的高速公路上发生的12辆汽车连环相撞事故导致3人受伤。
Because a condition is automatically generated for optional inputs, no additional conditions need to be added to this transform. 由于可选输入的条件是自动创建的,因此不需要向此转换添加其他条件。
If this assumption is invalid, additional conditions must be handled. 如果这个假设不成立,那么必须处理额外的情况。
The researchers found the obese tended to lose their mental powers faster than their thinner colleagues, while those who also had additional conditions lost their memory and thinking skills fastest of all. 研究人员发现胖子比起他们的瘦子同事更容易失去大脑思考能力,而这个人群中最容易失忆和失去思考能力的是这些还有其它健康问题的胖子。
It is a way closer than the tears no longer need any additional conditions, but also no longer need any of the material conditions to show. 它比流泪更近一程已经不再需要任何的附加条件,也不再需要任何的物质条件来表明。
Such carriage may be subject to additional conditions specified by us, which are available on request. 此类运输必须遵守我们规定的附加条件,详情可向我们咨询。
All material conditions have their origins in all of the additional conditions. 一切的物质条件都起源于一切的附加条件。
If your subscription schema has more than one custom field, you can add a where clause to provide additional conditions. 如果您的订阅架构具有多个自定义字段,则可以添加where子句以提供其他条件。
Tendering documents shall clearly stipulate that no alternative quotation or quotation with additional conditions is acceptable. 招标文件应当明确规定不接受选择性报价或者具有附加条件的报价。
Events for postponing the substantial force of a contract include essential approval or registration stipulated by law, additional conditions or term for the contract to become effective. 合同实质拘束力延缓的情况包括法律规定须批准或登记的合同及附生效条件、生效期限的合同。
We mainly give out some characterizations of regularity on MERT| rings with some additional conditions. Weak regularity and Π| regularity of rings are also considered. 主要对满足一定条件的mert-环的弱正则性,∏-正则以及强正则性进行了刻画。
Some additional conditions of residual lattice or regular residual lattice are proved to be ( equivalent to) each other. The concept of normal residual lattice is introduced and some properties of normal residual lattice are given. 证明了剩余格和正则剩余格中一些典型的附加条件之间的等价性,引入了正规剩余格的概念并给出了其若干性质。
The conjecture is shown to be true if some additional conditions are assumed. 本文还证明了在一些附加条件下该猜想成立。
In this paper, By means of the model of LS adjusting and additional conditions such verticality, parallelity and dependent point so on, adjust the figures of building at every level, and exactly locate the corners of building, then accomplish reconstruction of orthogonal buildings. 本文利用最小二乘平差模型,附加垂直、平行、独立点位等一些条件对获取的房屋各层次轮廓线进行平差,确定房屋角点的精确位置,以此完成多直角房屋的重建。
The geometric and static constraint conditions on contact surfaces are treated as additional conditions and are included in stiffness equations. 在这种模型中,接触单元的几何和静力约束条件是作为补充方程包含在刚度方程中。
In this paper, a unified straight line penetrance theory of the spatial straight line family is proposed, and the problem about types of equilibrium equations of a rigid body under action of general spatial force system and its additional conditions is solved. 本文提出关于空间直线族的统一直线贯穿理论,解决了刚体在空间一般力系作用下平衡方程的类型及其附加条件问题。
To prevent and govern the corruption from its beginning, it is essential to put stress on the course of decision-making first, to put forward the corresponding additional conditions clearly, and to set up normative regimes of decision-making and the system of examination and evaluation for leaders. 要从源头上预防和治理腐败,首先得从决策形成的过程抓起,鲜明地提出附加条件,建立决策的规范性制度要求和完善的单位领导干部考核评价体系。
The conjugate detonation model is derived from conservation and thermodynamic laws without any additional conditions as the CJ assumption. 它从守恒定律和热力学定律导出,没有类似于CJ假设之类的附加条件。
We investigate mixed totally umbilical QR-submanifolds in a quaternionic space form and also study the pseudo-umbilical QR-submanifolds of a quaterninoic space form with some additional conditions. 考查四元数空间形式中混合型全拟脐QR子流形并研究了四元数空间形式中具有某种条件下的混合型伪脐QR子流形。
The main purpose of this paper is to study the regularity of SF-rings and we prove that SF-rings that satisfy certain additional conditions are regular rings. 本文主要讨论了SF-环的正则性,证明了满足一定条件的SF-环是正则环。
But contracting parties can attach additional conditions to the contract. Once all the conditions are met, the contract will come into force. 合同成立符合法定的生效要件时合同生效,但合同当事人可以对合同生效附加条件,当条件成就时,合同才生效。
As a substitutive system of prosecution, non-prosecution of additional conditions can dissolve the criminal dispute effectively, and realize the function which shunt the procedure before try. 附条件不起诉作为轻罪非犯罪化处理的一种起诉替代措施,具有有效化解刑事纠纷、实现审前程序分流的功能。
Under these assumptions and additional conditions, we conclude that 'the sets of solutions for ( IVEP) are nonempty, closed and convex. 通过有力的证明和具体的例子,我们可以断定在一定条件下隐式向量均衡问题(IVEP)的解集是不空、闭和凸的;
Then applies the two-dimensional storm surge and inundation numerical model to Bohai Bay, at the same time, consider the impact of additional conditions, such as the wind field, astronomical tide and atmospheric pressure and so on. 然后将二维风暴潮漫滩模型应用于渤海湾,同时考虑风场、压力场等附加条件的影响。
In recent years, some Chinese procuratorates have actively explore and pilot non-prosecution of additional conditions system, but this system still lack of legislation and theory. 近年来,我国检察机关对附条件不起诉制度进行了积极探索和试点,但相关立法尚处空白,相关理论也远未成型。
In this paper, the author analyzes how to apply the conditional non-prosecution system, in order to find the specific path to standardizing and improving the regulations about applicable scope, additional conditions, and application procedures. 本文从法律适用的角度解读未成年人附条件不起诉制度,探寻对其适用范围、所附条件、适用程序等进行规范和完善的具体路径。
Unfortunately, however, most of the active suspension control methods are usually too complex for engineering practice due to the complicated control principles or too many additional conditions. 但是,大多数现有的主动悬架控制方法往往过于复杂,或者是原理繁琐,或者是附加条件过多,不利于工程应用。
Through a number of additional conditions to confirm the class of traffic. 4. 通过一些附加的特征来确认流量类型。
The former is applicable to a general tridiagonal matrix without any additional conditions. 前者适用于不需任何附加条件的一般三对角矩阵。
Aimed at solving the problem, non-prosecution of additional conditions is set up as a substitutive system of the new criminal procedural law. 针对这一问题,新刑诉法在未成年人刑事案件诉讼程序一章中,专门设立了附条件不起诉制度。